Wax-Tape® #2
Wax-Tape® #2 Self-Firming Anticorrosion Wrap Wax-Tape® #2 anticorrosion wrap has a proven history over three decades of successful field applications. It [...]
Wax-Tape® #2 Self-Firming Anticorrosion Wrap Wax-Tape® #2 anticorrosion wrap has a proven history over three decades of successful field applications. It [...]
Temcoat™ 3000 Temcoat 3000 applied to pipe surface. It will then be wrapped with Poly-Ply™, Guard-Wrap® or Wax-Tape®. Description: Temcoat™ 3000 [...]
Patch-Pad® Exothermic Weld Protector Durable, easy-to-apply coating for exothermic welds and other small applications Trenton Patch-Pad® exothermic weld protector is a versatile, easy-to-apply [...]
Riser Kits Ready-to-use wax coatings for residential risers Ready-to-use kits. Long-lasting protection of Wax-Tape® wrap. Trenton Riser kits Combine the [...]
Wax-Tape® HT-3000 High-Temperature Anticorrosion Wrap An easy-to-apply protection system for high-temperature applications, Wax-Tape® HT-3000 wrap requires minimal surface preparation. Effective on [...]
MCO™ 110 Outerwrap Moisture-cured resin impregnated into a fiberglass fabric for "hard shell" protection MCO™ 110 outerwap is specially formulated to [...]
Innercoat® & Guard-WrapTMHot-Applied Coating and Wrapping System for new service installations, field patching, weld cutbacks and pipeline reconditioning. The combination of Innercoat® hot-applied [...]
NovoRez® 360+ NovoRez® 360+ is a 100% solids, two component polymer coating suited for concrete substrates in highly aggressive chemical environments. Recommended Uses: [...]
SureGrip Anti-Slip Floor DUROMAR SUREGRIP is an extremely rugged anti-slip floor coating system, which is completely self contained requiring no additional sand or broadcasting of [...]
HydroFlor Resurfacer Breathable Floor DUROMAR HYDROFLOR® RESURFACER is an excellent, zero VOC, concrete resurfacer. It may be used to protect vertical and horizontal surfaces from [...]