Abrasion Overcoat Liquid Coating

HBE-ARMOR™ is a heavy duty liquid ARO (Abrasion Resistant Overcoat) system designed to protect fusion bond epoxy (FBE) coated mainline pipe. It is a two-component epoxy formulated with one of the toughest minerals on earth to act as a true armor over top of FBE. HBE-ARMOR™ can protect FBE mainline and liquid epoxy field joint coatings during directional drilling, thrust bores, river crossings and other rough terrain conditions. This environmentally friendly, 100% solids, epoxy coating can either be spray applied or brush applied to FBE in the plant or field. It should not be applied direct-to-steel.

HBE Armor Abrasion Overcoat Liquid Coating for Pipe and pipeline

Click below to view the product data sheet:

HBE-ARMOR™ Data Sheet

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