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Direct To Surface
The electrochemical bonding of soluble salts to substrates defies all but the most forceful removal attempts. While a number of methods are used, surface-attached soluble salts are nearly impossible to remove. When non-visible soluble salts remain, your surface preparation will not prevent early coating failure. Is this risk worth taking?
With its patented organic bonding chemistry, CHLOR*RID stands in a class of its own as the surest, safest, most cost-effective way to remove soluble salt contamination. CHLOR*RID strips chlorides and sulfates from industrial surfaces by ionization energy. Your surfaces are prepared…and so are you!
- No field mixing or diluting
- No special application equipment needed
- No high cost
- No harsh chemicals, no health hazards, no certifications
- No residue left behind
- Apply by brush, roller, or spray application, then rinse off
- Unparalleled, proven results around the world
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Recommended for use on:
- Bridge structures
- Ships and marine structures, in atmospheric service
- Aircraft and aerospace equipment
- Mining facilities
- Storage tanks and cooling towers
- Public utilities
- Power generation plants
- Natural gas plants
- Offshore drilling rigs
- Petrochemical installations
- Pulp and paper mills, saw mills
- Steel fabrication, piping
- Electronics and process equipment
Proven effective on virtually any surface where the protective coating is threatened by corrosion from soluble salts.
[/x_tab][x_tab active=”true”]CHLOR-RID DTS™ is available in any quantity starting at 5 gallons and custom ordering is available.
5 Gallon
55 Gallon Drum
160 Gallons
on up to totes, tankers, etc…[/x_tab][x_tab active=”false”]
Frequently Asked Questions
By customer request, the world’s leading soluble salt remover is now available in a pre-mixed, direct-to-surface formula. CHLOR*RID DTS makes it possible for ordinary washing using any potable water source to deliver extraordinary results. CHLOR*RID DTS liquid soluble salt remover removes chlorides and sulfates from industrial surfaces by ionization energy.
Consider these easy-to-use features:
- No mixing
- No high cost
- No specialized training
- No special equipment
- Apply, then rinse off
1. Is the Direct-to-surface version as effective as the original CHLOR*RID formula?
Absolutely. The only difference you’ll find with CHLOR*RID DTS is the money-saving convenience of using standard hand-spraying equipment or even hand washing.
- Unparalleled, proven results. Leaves no film or residue to interfer with protective coatings.
- Biodegradable, safe for workers, environmentally friendly.
- No harsh chemicals, no health hazards, no certifications.
- Warranted for consistency from batch to batch.
2. Where can I use CHLOR*RID DTS?
CHLOR*RID DTS is ideal for ships, aircraft, marina structures, tanks, bridges, power plants, flooring, piping, steel or concrete. Virtually any surface where salt corrosion threatens the full warranted performance of an atmospheric surface protective coating.
3. What about sulfates and chlorides that build up externally after the coating process?
Just add CHLOR*RID DTS to every regular maintenance pressure wash. Standard equipment is all you need for tested, proven results.
4. How does CHLOR*RID DTS work?
When used with common spraying equipment or by hand washing, surface attached soluble salts are removed by a chemical reaction.[/x_tab][/x_tabs][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]