EXP-Thixset Novolac Ceramic Putty DUROMAR EXP-THIXSET is a more chemical and higher temperature resistant version of either SAR or HAR used primarily in areas [...]
EXP-Thixset Novolac Ceramic Putty DUROMAR EXP-THIXSET is a more chemical and higher temperature resistant version of either SAR or HAR used primarily in areas [...]
HAR Carbide Putty DUROMAR HAR is a more abrasion resistant putty than SAR, which is used primarily in areas requiring more resistance to fine [...]
SAR Ceramic Putty DUROMAR SAR is a versatile easy-to-use rebuilding putty with excellent abrasion and chemical resistance. This product is heavily filled with aluminum [...]
EAC-FE Flexible Ceramic Coating DUROMAR EAC-FE is a brushable more resilient version of EAC used to enhance fluid flow, resist cavitation, or anywhere requiring [...]
EXP Novolac Ceramic Lining DUROMAR EAC is a brushable and versatile maintenance material, which has excellent resistance to both acids and caustics as well [...]
EAC Ceramic Lining DUROMAR EAC is a brushable and versatile maintenance material, which has excellent resistance to both acids and caustics as well as [...]
TuffRez® 200CR TuffRez® 200CR is a heavy-duty epoxy novolac resin and aggregate floor surfacer suited for floors subjected to aggressive chemical exposure and mechanical abuse. [...]
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